Friday, September 11, 2015

BC Amateur Boxing Hall of Fame, Termination Stopped by Popular Demand.

After a six year run from 2010 to 2015, the
British Columbia Amateur Boxing Hall of Fame is
being terminated.

It will be replaced by a new entity called:
BC Boxing Wall of Fame 
for the first induction to be n
January 2016.

Decision To Terminate Challenged: Dec. 2015

It looks like voices concerning the change were
enough to stop the termination process and 
early responses to a poll have
BCABHOF outpointing the BCBWOF
by a wide margin. 

The Founders: BCABHoF
Ray Beaulieu, Scott Galloway, Steven Kodiak,
Brian Zelley, Steve Wood and "Mushroom Mac".

Video Showcase 2010 to2015

Sample of Images: